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Modeling & Simulation Lab.



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9 [Lecture Note] Supplementary Junhee Lee 35 2019-10-22 파일이 여러개 있음
8 [Lecture Note] Intersection (v2) Junhee Lee 31 2019-10-07 파일명 : 191014_intersection_v2.pdf
7 [Lecture Note] Transformation and Projection (v2) Junhee Lee 28 2019-10-02 파일명 : 191007_TransformationProjection_v2.pdf
6 [Lecture Note] Fitting and Blending (v2) Junhee Lee 21 2019-09-29 파일명 : 190925_Fitting_Blending_v2.pdf
5 [Lecture Note] Basis function, Bezier, B-spline, NURBS Junhee Lee 28 2019-09-11 파일명 : 190916_basisBezierBsplineNURBS.pdf
4 [Supplementary Lectures] Sep. 16th, 18th, 23th, 25th Junhee Lee 24 2019-09-11  
3 [Homework #1] Due : Oct. 16th Junhee Lee 42 2019-09-11 파일명 : hw1.pdf
2 [Lecture Note] Differential Geometry (v.2) Junhee Lee 48 2019-09-02 파일명 : 190902_lecNotes-DifferentialGeometry_v2.pdf
1 [Syllabus] (v.2) Junhee Lee 42 2019-08-28 파일명 : overview-cadcam_v2.doc
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