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23 [Midterm] Date, Time, and Place (modified) Junhee Lee 20 2019-04-08  
22 [Midterm] Sample Questions Junhee Lee 14 2019-04-08 파일명 : mid-1718.zip
21 [Homework#3] (modified) Junhee Lee 28 2019-04-08 파일명 : hw3.pdf
20 [Lecture Note 5] Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations Junhee Lee 21 2019-04-07 파일명 : _5_Initial-Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations.pdf
19 [Notice] Homework #2 Junhee Lee 16 2019-04-06  
18 [Example Problem Set #2 Sol.] Root Finding Junhee Lee 11 2019-04-03 파일명 : example190326_answer.pdf
17 [Example Problem Set #4] Matrix Algebra and Linear Systems of Equations Junhee Lee 8 2019-04-03 파일명 : example190403_MatrixAlgebraLinearSystems.pdf
16 [Example Problem Set #3 Sol.] Interpolation and Approximation Junhee Lee 8 2019-04-03 파일명 : example190327_InterAppr_answer.pdf
15 [Homework#2] Junhee Lee 27 2019-04-01 파일명 : hw2.pdf
14 [Lecture Note 4] Matrix Algebra and Linear Systems (modified) Junhee Lee 21 2019-03-29 파일명 : _4_MatrixAlgebraLinearSystems_mod1.pdf
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